Thursday, November 11, 2010
Atheists, humanists launch holiday drives
Read my story the article and then my response--- here.
My Response to Atheists, humanists launch holiday drives
New York Times Article Reprinted in Sac Bee Wednesday November 10, 2010
So the atheists, humanists and supposed freethinkers now have a gospel?
What a grand idea, let’s copy the idea of the word meaning “Good News” used in the New Testament, and use it to market unbelief; and as if it couldn’t get any sillier, just the mere notion of denying the existence of something that doesn’t exist seems ludicrous. Am I the only one that thinks it strange
to spend so much money and time on what they think is a myth? Perhaps all the freethinkers are somehow offended by the fact that someone believes something they do not, desiring tolerance for their intolerance of others beliefs.
Stop the world I want to get off. Have we “grown” so intelligent and sophisticated that we can no longer believe, or tolerate others to believe in something we don’t understand? Wow! 15 percent of America has no religion. Well 85 percent does! “We must denounce politicians that contend U.S. law should be based on the Ten Commandments”. Which ones are a problem? Don’t murder, Don’t steal, Don’t give false testimony?
Are not these the basis of all laws and conscience, in all lands for thousands of years bible or not?
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Upside-Down Land
The realm of a King, the Absolute King, of the whole thing.
Two tribes of people, each with colors galore, sorts in the millions,
some richer, some poorer, each one exclusive,
all made by the King, the Absolute King, of the whole thing.
But two tribes they still were, distinct in this fact.
Each saw his own way, and that way was up.
The tribe of the Downs, tried to make everything up.
“Let’s turn it around, we can make our ways fit.”
Ups are all myths, tales without pith,
There’s really no Up, the whole is all Down, let’s each make our own.
So, they made their own rules and wrote their own story,
Denying the King, the Absolute King, of the whole thing.
“We’re not making it up, us Downs know what’s up”
From Universities to labs, to Whitehouse and even Congress,
“if it looks up, we’ll make it down, we’ll prove it for sure,
we are the kings, absolute kings of the whole thing.”
The voice of the Ups, it seemed to dwindle in size,
but we must remember, all Ups at one time, lived in Downtown.
All the Down’s lies, they hit a snag, too many holes in all of their bags,
for they knew not the Truth, the Way, nor the Life.
They ignored the King’s pleas, the absolute King, of the whole thing.
Down is down, and no matter your wishes, it cannot be up.
You can huff and can puff, but you’ll never make down, turn into up.
Just to believe down is really up, never will do,
It’s built on the sand, and comes to dead-end.
There are many defectors from Downtown to UP.
As I said this before, the whole tribe of Up is made of Downtowns,
all of us losers and creeps, by shock came to see,
the King’s way is UP, He’s the Absolute King, of the whole thing.
To all the lost Downs, the King’s ways were down,
They would not see and could not see, that upside-down was really the way…
The King had to die, for the Downs to see up.
Loving the Downs with a passion sincere, giving His life that Dad held so dear.
Ever remember the name of this place, Upside-Down land.
Where dying to live, is the law of the land,
and giving away makes you rich in the end.
Where the weak are made strong and the strong are made weak,
A wonder it is that all of the Downs, still go down with the ship.
Because all of the Upsides, don’t seem really hip.
Everyone wants to live the real life, that one thing is sure,
The reason they can’t see, they are all upside-down.
The Upsides seem down and the Downsides seem up,
But once willing to look and confess to the King,
He’s the absolute King, of the whole thing,
The King of Uptown and Downtown, like it or not,
a smidgen of faith, and then you will see,
Upside-down, now is Up, and becomes crystal clear.
Perhaps this makes no sense, and is nonsense to you,
then surely you’re downtown, but soon you will see.
For all knees will bow, to the Lord Jesus Christ,
Do it ‘fore it’s too late, turn your downside around.
No matter how much I write of the King, the Absolute King, of the whole thing.
You never will see, till bending your knee.
I could write till the end and explain this and that,
But once you are willing, you will finally get that.
Once become willing, seeing you’ll see,
Believing is seeing, and you will see in the end.
Switch from Downtown ‘fore it’s too late,
This tale’s not forever, we all have a date,
A date with the King, the Absolute King, of the whole thing.
All will be sorted, and all will be judged,
all that will matter is, is He your King, the Absolute King, of the whole thing.
All will be shook down, and go to the pit,
Downtown will burn down, but not cease to exist,
Burning forever, and never will see the Upside again.
Monday, August 9, 2010
A More Excellent Way
and the teacher teaches,
The leader leads,
and the choir sings.
The doors are all open,
shall we begin?
All of God’s gifts,
now sitting therein,
Straight and real nice,
an orderly row.
A more excellent way,
does anyone know?
Earnestly desire and somebody say,
there must be still a more excellent way.
Though I speak in the tongues,
of angels on high,
prophecy grand things,
and the church says “Oh my!”
Even the mountains,
move at my word.
Just ask and I’ll tell you an encouraging word.
I give all away,
and my body is burned.
One thing is yet lacking,
left out I’m just smacking,
I really am nothing,
without I have love.
Without I should love,
with all of my might.
All comes to naught,
in heaven’s account.
But, if I should love with all of my might,
my simplest act,
becomes grand in His sight.
He gave His love so I could be one,
that loves at the worst times,
the good with the bad.
Love without cause,
is His love for me.
Glorious love,
please let it be me.
-M. Matheson 2010
Friday, August 6, 2010
At What Cost?
and stand before Grace?
At what cost am I heard,
in splendor above?
At what cost can I bow,
and in worship adore,
Majesties Self in Glory unknown?
At what cost can I live,
my own life as I wish?
At what cost am I free,
to live a life that is real?
At what cost is there joy,
in the midst of hard trial?
At what cost am I fed,
as the birds of the air?
At what cost will this world,
be made fresh and new?
At what cost am I destined,
to the wide gates of heaven?
The cost let me tell you,
is not yours to pay.
With the blood of His Son,
the price has been paid.
The price wasn’t paid,
for stained glass and four walls.
The price wasn’t paid,
for our possessions so dear.
But by the blood of His own Son,
Our destiny is sure,
Everlasting splendors,
as someone once said.
We are being transformed,
from glory to glory,
just like the Son.
Next time that we think,
a price must be paid,
or count our own cost, so very dear.
Let us ponder and think,
At what cost am I here,
to spell out these words?
Every last drop of His very Own Son.
-M. Matheson 2010
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Arise Let Us Go From Here –Jesus
Frankly, I don’t get much comfort from looking at it like that. My heart doesn’t become restful just because I read that verse. Now, barring all the Greek exegesis that we know, and trying to take it in the context that it was said, as we should, we may find that it goes way deeper than a fluffy little scripture spoken by an inert and plastic little Jesus. We may find instead that the scripture was spoken by a Man who was a carpenter in the first century and used a whip of cords to single handedly drive the crooked sellers out of the temple courts, and Who is the King of kings and the Lord of lords Who was and Who is and Who is to come, returning at the end of the age on a white horse with His robe dipped in blood. This makes a world of difference in the power, significance and usefulness of this little six-worded verse.
If the verse was uttered by a nice fluffy, flaccid and friendly Jesus, we can just tell our hearts not to be troubled when our financial world is crashing down around us or our health is failing us, and we will “feel” better instantly. If we just pray the words “Jesus don’t let my heart be troubled” will it actually make my wife love me even if I’m a cruel, evil jerk? Will it cause our kids to get off drugs, get a job, and come to their senses, and finally come back to the Lord? Who are we kidding, besides ourselves? If we try holding on to that weak-kneed and limp-wristed theology, we will find ourselves without the intended result, making excuses why it didn’t work and trying to “cover for” a nice fluffy, easily managed and contained Jesus. Jesus isn’t some genie, wizard or Dr. Phil and He certainly doesn’t need “covering for”. He is the Creator of the universe and He upholds all things by the word of His power. If we would be willing to take a rough and raw view of the surrounding context, history, and verses, we may find what Jesus was really trying to say to you and me.
The verse just before “Let not your heart be troubled” is actually quite troubling. Peter swears his undying allegiance, even to the death, for Jesus, and then, Jesus asks if he “really” will lay down his life for Him, and Jesus goes on to tell him that he will actually deny Him three times before morning comes. Does the old expression “liar, liar” come to mind?
But hey Peter, “let not your heart be troubled, “trust me”. So if you would allow me a little liberty with this verse John 13:38, Peter, you are going to fail me, big time. Everyone is going to see it and know it, and people will preach about it till the end of time. Every one of the people that hears the story will think “I would never do that”. You are all alone Peter, the biggest screw up in history, and to top it all off, Jesus tells Peter “don’t let your heart be troubled”.
“You believe in God Peter? Believe also in Me.” And then, Jesus just moves on into the famous passage of scripture that tells us that there is lots of room in heaven and Jesus is leaving to prepare a place for us and that the disciples already knew the way.
This is not meant to be some super-doctrinal exegesis on the passage, but a good faith-filled look at what is really going on here. An untroubled and peaceful heart is what we all desire, and Jesus said not to let our heart be unsettled, or stirred up like a swirling muddy river. He says not to let it, which means we can control it and should be in control. If we believe God we should trust that Jesus has things under control. This is actually how we are suppose to do it, actually, trust that Jesus has our backs. Trust Him to be who he said He was and is, and who He is to come. We should read this scripture in a perspective of the moments surrounding Peter’s life and the end of days Jesus Himself is speaking of. It is always hard to keep the end of the world in perspective as it seems so far off, but it could in all reality be only the blink of an eye or a millisecond away. The end of the world may come even as I am typing this and you may not get to read it.
So, in reality, we only have to trust Jesus for the next second, and the next, and the next. Like the Alcoholics Anonymous saying “One Day at a Time”. If we can just TRUST Jesus for a second, we can trust Him for a lifetime. Gone are the worries over the huge troubling events in our lives, for we only need a second’s worth of faith and trust.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Peter’s world is crashing down around His ears and Jesus tells Him “let not your heart be troubled”. I think that would just tick me off. I would be saying to Jesus, “you’re not a lot of help here, I am not very encouraged”, but just this small little idea, that Jesus speaks this to him at this time should give us courage to face the day head on.
Again, I ask you to give me a little liberty with the scriptures. Peter, no matter how bad you could possibly screw this all up, you can be at peace knowing who I am. Knowing that I am going to the cross for you, Peter, to make it all better literally. To give you a way out of this mess, so you won’t have to live your life in bitterness, sorrow and misery. Instead, with just a little slice of trust in me, the real living Son of God, there is even more than hope. There is an expected end that is good and not evil. The rest of what Jesus said that is recorded in John the fourteenth chapter is meant as a sinners guide to a life of peace, chock full of hardcore truths, promises and divine directives. Like, we will do greater things than Jesus, ask whatever we want in His name and He will do it. If you really love me, and do what I say, I will send the Holy Spirit to live in and through you. Huge promises that are hard for me to wrap my mind around. I don’t quite understand all of what they really mean, but I am willing to try. Peace I leave with you, Peace I give to you. And back by popular demand, let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
Then Jesus said “Arise, let us go from here.” Wow, this just may be the key to the church, no pun intended. If all we have is the next blink of an eye, and the next millisecond. We cannot waste our time stuck on warm and fuzzy platitudes that make us feel all warm and fuzzy. We need to walk the next moments out with the true and living Jesus.
Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.- Jesus the Christ
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
What's in your toolbox?
The mark of a good tradesman are his tools and how well he takes care of them. A finish carpenter is going to have different types of tools than a framer even though their trades are in the same area of work.
An electrician and an electronics tech both work with electricity but with a whole lot of different tools . The same goes with a house painter and someone who paints a car . They both paint but their tools differ .
Each knows how to use their tools and each should know what is needed to take care of their tools . They always told me the first sign of a good mechanic was how clean he kept his tools .
We need to think of being a disciple as a trade, and think of our life as a toolbox. What’s in our toolbox? If it is filthy and filled with trash not much good is going to come out . Remember the old proverb, garbage in garbage out . We need to clean out the toolbox and fill it with clean fresh tools.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Are we really PRESENT with the Lord?
We that are followers of Jesus the Christ, desire and even crave the presence of the Lord in our lives.
At a minimum we believe that His presence is with us always, and the truth of God is that He is present everywhere, always, and at all times. David said he could not go anywhere that God’s presence was not. So, how could we not be present with Him? Follow me for just a little bit, and it will be worth your while, or you can have your money back.
Have you ever been in a conversation with a friend, relative or especially a spouse, and you were not fully present with them? If you haven’t already caught on, perhaps you are not really present with me as I write this short exposition. Your eyes are taking in the words, and part of your brain is processing the thoughts, but the top level part of your mind is busy sorting your grocery list. Perhaps it is already critiquing the upcoming ball game or rehashing the “conversation” you had with the boss today, whether that boss was your boss or your wife. Maybe, your worrying about your weight, the kid’s grades or whether Uncle Elmo will really come to visit next spring.
The most obvious illustration I can give is from a husbands point of view, but I guess in one out of a million it may work the other way. The woman is a very verbal creation that needs to talk to someone, especially her mate, about anything and everything. She needs to know that the husband is present not only in body but in soul. This feeds the woman’s voracious appetite for security. The husband part of this equation simply put is, we are apes. We only have a few basic needs and if you are over fourteen and reading this I don’t need to explain, you already know what they are. Real listening is being present, our wives know when we are present and when we are not. This dynamic is very similar in all relationships we are a party to and even extends to our relationship and interactions with God.
In all our earnestness to have the manifest presence of God, we often leave out one half of the equation, ourselves. We are praying “to” God instead of with God, we are giving Him our laundry list of how He should change the world, and, all the while, we are trying to figure out in our heads the next church service, how I am going to beat the traffic Monday morning, or what I’m going to have for lunch. Perhaps it is real important stuff like how will I pay the rent, but then we are not really present with God. He is surely present with us, but He might in fact, feel left out in the cold.
We can be present with God, but it will be a fight, a fight for the mastery of our very own soul. The risks are minimal, and the payoff is huge. The only cost is our whole life, but remember, Jesus said we would gain it for losing.
The first line of battle is to recognize that we are even not present at all. Next time you pray, next time you worship, the next time you read God’s word, pay attention to where your soul is really at. Is it at the grocery store, the ball game, at work or in the presence of the Lord?
It will take quite an effort to bring ourselves in, and to bring every thought captive and make it obey. But the weapons we have are mighty in God to pull down these strongholds.
I don’t have three steps to being present with God. What it really boils down to is a battle of wills, His or ours. If we give up our self-will to His-will, we will win the war.
Imagine with me if you can, what will it be like, when God has your soul, intertwined with His own. Where else would you rather be? What habits would drop off? What worries would fade? The fears would all fall off, and the possibilities arise, of what God could do with a man or a woman who was fully present with Him.
Acts 3:19 (NKJV) Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord…
Thursday, June 17, 2010
casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.
God cares more for us than anyone does or can. It is not within our ability to care for people even one small fraction as much as Jesus does. The same goes for people that care for us, mothers, fathers and, yes, believe it or not pastors!
If we could get this fact down in us, we would stop worrying about what others think of us, or how much we are loved or cared for by acquaintances, friends, and family. If we could just get a good grasp on “Jesus cares for me”, we would stop analyzing every action made by others in the microscope of our small world.
Paul the apostle said his reason for praying was, that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man,
that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love,
may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height-- to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; Ephesians 3:16-19 (NKJV)
In other words, if we would spend more time thinking on the incredible love and care of God for us, than thinking about what God or others should currently be doing for us, our lives would be powerful beyond our current comprehension. We would then be more concerned about how we treat the world around us than how we are treated.
Then the message of the cross, which truly is, that Jesus cared more for us than we could possibly care for others, would have a greater impact in today’s consumed with self world.
So, instead of trying so hard to care more, let’s get a better vision of just exactly how much Jesus Christ truly cares for us. Then we could say, Jesus loves you, and it would ring true and with power.
Peace- Mike Matheson
Monday, April 26, 2010
The Time of my LIFE (Leg 2)

My two new best phrases "cuanto cuesta?" and “Puede hablar mas despacio por favor”.
How much does it cost? And, Can you speak more slowly please? Will get you a long ways as long as you have some more Spanish in your bag (bolsa). The rest I butcher pretty badly with no room for bragging left over, but it gets done.
I learned a universal truth on this leg of my journey. If you suddenly find yourself without any available assistance, you will be amazed at how well you can get by and how much life you will find along the way.
Without a ride or any assistance to get me to the bus station, I plunged out into the semi-controlled madness that is Mexico City, the largest metropolitan area in the Americas and the third largest agglomeration(huh) in the world.
Ah!, this is living! Did I say living? Yes I did! If you have not stretched yourself out into something foreign or ventured into the unknown, then you have not experienced life in its fullest. Guided tours are nice, but landing in the unknown with no available help gives you something fresh coursing through your system that you can’t buy on a street corner or in a pharmacy. You can’t watch it on TV, play it on a video game or ride it at Disneyland. It is not some momentary rush or buzz from too much coffee. It’s not that feeling in the base of our spine we get when we think we are going to die a sudden tragic death. It is the real life that Jesus talked about. Out of our heart flow the issues of life.
When we stretch out into the unknown, where we can’t control the outcome or bail out anytime we want, with no exit stage left or parachute, some too long unused part of our heart starts to whir and click and spring to life.
This same part of our heart stopped functioning long ago from disuse, much like our appendix did, when it once protected us from unclean food, the wild part of our heart has gone into hibernation from a too safe world that no longer sees a need for adventurers or heroes, except on a movie screen.
I was indeed fortunate to feel my heart come alive with the same vigor that was very much alive when men sailed the seas in large wooden boats and climbed the rigging to adjust the sails in the middle of an unknown and raging sea. Men’s hearts were big then, hearts that took them across barren uncharted lands and seas, conquered cities and gave it’s life in the face of overwhelming odds. I was blessed and fortunate to just have a taste of that and hear a little whir as my heart spun to life.
That’s my opinion anyway and I am sticking to it. You know what they say about opinions don’t you? They are like armpits, everybody has got at least two and they all stink, ha-ha.
Ah! Real life smells like smog, sounds like not one person speaking English and I am plop down in the middle of it without a life preserver, no 911 no guide just me and Jesus. This is living!
There was no more tiredness even after the red Bull had worn off.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Fourth Missionary Journey to Mexico

First leg, just getting there…..
Perhaps, Mexico is not the destination that may come to mind when missionaries are thought of, but surely missionaries are needed in Mexico as well as the United States, all nations as Jesus said.
Almost twenty years ago Mexico had taken up residence in my heart and to the depth of my bowels or bosom in the biblical sense. Unexplainable in the language of men, my desire for Mexico has been much like a lust, albeit a much more healthy dose.
This fourth trip was unique in the fact that I spent the first week visiting one of my oldest daughters, Teri, her husband Andres and their four children, two of whom I had not met before this trip. That week also turned into a missionary journey, for I was invited to speak at two different churches in the little “pueblito” of Santa Rosa, where my daughter lives. That one week visit alone gave me enough experiences and material to spend the next year writing.
I will try and do the trip and the experience justice, and I will try not to bore you to tears with the minutiae of daily events. I love minutiae, but I am pretty sure that not all people share my love of the minor details of life’s experience.
The flight into Mexico city via Houston was uneventful and without fanfare, without dogs, customs agents or soldiers disturbing my burnt out brain that was trying to squeeze itself out through my bulging bloodshot eyes. I was pushed out some big doors by some unseen force I have yet to define, and I began my wandering back and forth in my sub-catatonic state with a cardboard sign that read “Templo de Alabanza”, Spanish for Praise Chapel, desperately hoping that my ride would see it.
They didn't and so I went in search of the nearest Starbucks or a store that had "Sugar Free Red Bull". Red Bull won.
My two new best phrases "cuanto cuesta?" and “Puede hablar mas despacio por favor”.
Monday, February 15, 2010
We Wrote The Book
When God wrote His book without even a look.
Great joy filled His heart, as He dreamed up our part.
With amazing foresight, and even knowing our plight,
He sent down great gifts, and a few major rifts.
The story goes on, as a hero was found.
Christ was His name, removing our shame.
Small books we were given, to write what we’re livin'.
Each day a new page, filled with gifts great and small.
Some a real tragedy, a few filled with rage.
Thankful for comedy, it’s such a good remedy.
The privilege He gave, To pen our own book.
Created as Him, with a free will and power to invent.
With our books in our hands, the story did change.
Our two little books now merged into one.
More beauty was added with scoopfuls of fun.
Just enough tragedy, but never too much.
Our two little books are now merged into one.
Two books become one and they're never alone.
Two heroes well armed, with colors and words.
Two authors so different, you might never see, how they would ever agree.
If all does agree, the story does flee.
Life becomes stale, and you stop getting the mail.
If all does agree and the problems do flee,
the book is a bore and we all start to snore.
We write our little book, without even a look.
Joy fills our hearts as we dream up our parts.
With absolutely no foresight, and very little might,
we love without reason, through every stormy season.
We Wrote the Book
-Mike Matheson
The “day after” Valentines day 2010
Friday, January 22, 2010
Building a “fire”

Here’s a quick thought I had this morning
Building a “fire”
1. It takes a lot of patience,
2. Start with the small stuff,
3. Once it’s hot it is easy to keep going,
4. If you keep all the coals together they will burn longer and hotter,
5. Keep adding fuel, a good fire needs to be tended,
6. Clean out the ashes,
7. Don’t burn the house down,
8. A real wood fire is better than phony logs and gas.
...His word was in my heart like a burning fire Shut up in my bones;
Jeremiah 20:9 (NKJV)
....our God is a consuming fire. Hebrews 12:29 (NKJV)
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Like a new Sasquatch I have seen them it’s true!

It was bound to happen eventually. Like the dawn of creation springing forth and bringing with it unheard of creatures and features, so too has this new “age” brought with it never before heard of creations. This modern age of information, misinformation, minutes long news cycles and an exploding social network have brought forth monstrous new creatures with lives of there own.
Have they got arms and legs or even a mouth? Where do they live? What do they eat? I really haven’t the slightest clue. But evidence of one new species can be found lurking in any of our Inboxes. It’s not a virus or worm but perhaps has the innocence of a new creation.
Like a new Sasquatch I have seen them it’s true!
They leave their little tracks in the snow “FW” You’ve seem them too that I do know. Sometimes in herds more than one at a time FW:fw:Fw with ever more variance spinning out of control. A primitive attempt they always reach out, only by email, never a text and forget a phone call.
So great is their love that the day isn’t done till I’ve received one. Twenty’s the norm and that do I dread, I am just glad they haven’t been read.
Like a new Sasquatch I have seen them it’s true.
Grand communiqués sent and marked HIGH PRIORITY! If I send this now, I will have bags of cash just waiting for me. If I REALLY love Jesus I will do just the same and add my FW: to all of their names.
Like a new Sasquatch I have seen them it’s true.
I have not seen them or heard even a word. Still I get letters, petitions and some really odd pictures, cute little snippets of Hillary or Bill, some are real funny but often a bore. Forwarded to me with nothing to do, just church and a business and grandkids a few.
Like a new Sasquatch I have seen them it’s true.
Fw:FW:Fw so hard to pronounce, no signature made. Fw:FW:Fw must be who they are and those that they seek. Fw: finds FW: and now really fast. Inboxes fill up and I’m really aghast Fw:FW:Fw becomes Fw:FW:Fw:Fw:Fw:Fw:Fw:Fw:Fw… now really fast. As Fw finds Fw and delights in their find and sends it to others they think will not mind.
Like a new Sasquatch I have seen them it’s true.
They must not speak English or even some Yiddish. How do I know? you say with a sneer…
I’ve sent greetings and love and compliments few. But I’ve not received even a word or two new. They send me pictures and print and power point shows, videos, links and some really low blows.
Like a new Sasquatch I have seen them it’s true.
I would love some real words, of the life they do lead. Tell me about Elmo or how Sally is doing. About your new job or weird Uncle Bob. But, how do you speak and what do you say to people whose correspondence goes only one way? Where do they live and what do they do? This really strange people with the short little names.
Like a new Sasquatch I have seen them it’s true.
I hope none are offended, you are really dear, but rather than FW, I hold your words dear.
I hear the little pop that tells me once more, some litlle mail has come to my box. With growing high hopes, I hear my heart say. “Could this be the day I’ll hear from that land far away?” Nevertheless it’s from Fw to Fw:FW:Fw and they just knew I needed this news. Barack is a Muslim or McCain a warmonger.
I have seen Sasquatch I know that it’s true!
I reach for the button my finger still sore, the key dull and faded DELETE I strike once more.
Who are these people that send without words, stuff they were given and then pass it along ?
Like a new Sasquatch I have seen them it’s true!
Saturday, January 2, 2010
I Must be in So-Cal
Sunny and warm not a dull gray,
Pleasant memory, what I like about So-Cal.
Donned a T-shirt not some old sweater.
Funny, here, there’s really no weather.
I must be in SoCal!
Out the front door, sky is hazy light blue,
As the real sky fights to push through.
I must be in SoCal!
I greet passers by with a nod and a smile.
In return what I get, is just a cold scowl.
I must be in SoCal!
“Hey! Good Morning!” to the gal at Starbucks.
All she does is grab for my bucks.
I must be in SoCal!
There is one cushy seat next to a gent.
On my greeting I'm sent, not even a word,
just a low grumble and murmuring scowl.
I must be in SoCal!
Friday, January 1, 2010
Happy New Years to all my family and friends.
I have this New Year at least for a day,
If my behavior’s deficient, my gifts and service found wanting,
I have a New Year at least for a day,
to take another run at it, make a new effort, give it a go and crank up the engine.
I have a New Year at least for a day,
to be a better husband, father, and friend,
a better brother and son my desire to be.
I have a New Year at least for a day,
to be a better follower and servant of Christ,
God should always be first and for that do i thirst,
I have a New Year at least for a day,
If you have made it this far, great patience you have.
You’ve put up with me well and you’re a real pal.
Have a Happy New Year at least for a day,
for only God knows the minutes, hours and days,
my greatest desire is that they’re used well.
And If God wills it and we see one more year,
I pray we’ve moved ahead some and never arrived.
If God wills it and we see one more Year,
I hope these requests still haven’t changed,
and when we look back we can all say,
we have had a healthier, happier and prosperous Year.
Have a Happy New Year at least for a Day.