
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Upside-Down Land

There once was a land, full of wonder and grand.
The realm of a King, the Absolute King, of the whole thing.
Two tribes of people, each with colors galore, sorts in the millions,
some richer, some poorer, each one exclusive,
all made by the King, the Absolute King, of the whole thing.
But two tribes they still were, distinct in this fact.
Each saw his own way, and that way was up.

The tribe of the Downs, tried to make everything up.
“Let’s turn it around, we can make our ways fit.”
Ups are all myths, tales without pith,
There’s really no Up, the whole is all Down, let’s each make our own.

So, they made their own rules and wrote their own story,
Denying the King, the Absolute King, of the whole thing.

“We’re not making it up, us Downs know what’s up”
From Universities to labs, to Whitehouse and even Congress,
“if it looks up, we’ll make it down, we’ll prove it for sure,
we are the kings, absolute kings of the whole thing.”

The voice of the Ups, it seemed to dwindle in size,
but we must remember, all Ups at one time, lived in Downtown.

All the Down’s lies, they hit a snag, too many holes in all of their bags,
for they knew not the Truth, the Way, nor the Life.
They ignored the King’s pleas, the absolute King, of the whole thing.

Down is down, and no matter your wishes, it cannot be up.
You can huff and can puff, but you’ll never make down, turn into up.
Just to believe down is really up, never will do,
It’s built on the sand, and comes to dead-end.

There are many defectors from Downtown to UP.
As I said this before, the whole tribe of Up is made of Downtowns,
all of us losers and creeps, by shock came to see,
the King’s way is UP, He’s the Absolute King, of the whole thing.
To all the lost Downs, the King’s ways were down,
They would not see and could not see, that upside-down was really the way…

The King had to die, for the Downs to see up.
Loving the Downs with a passion sincere, giving His life that Dad held so dear.

Ever remember the name of this place, Upside-Down land.
Where dying to live, is the law of the land,
and giving away makes you rich in the end.
Where the weak are made strong and the strong are made weak,
A wonder it is that all of the Downs, still go down with the ship.
Because all of the Upsides, don’t seem really hip.

Everyone wants to live the real life, that one thing is sure,
The reason they can’t see, they are all upside-down.
The Upsides seem down and the Downsides seem up,
But once willing to look and confess to the King,
He’s the absolute King, of the whole thing,
The King of Uptown and Downtown, like it or not,
a smidgen of faith, and then you will see,
Upside-down, now is Up, and becomes crystal clear.

Perhaps this makes no sense, and is nonsense to you,
then surely you’re downtown, but soon you will see.
For all knees will bow, to the Lord Jesus Christ,
Do it ‘fore it’s too late, turn your downside around.

No matter how much I write of the King, the Absolute King, of the whole thing.
You never will see, till bending your knee.
I could write till the end and explain this and that,
But once you are willing, you will finally get that.
Once become willing, seeing you’ll see,
Believing is seeing, and you will see in the end.

Switch from Downtown ‘fore it’s too late,
This tale’s not forever, we all have a date,
A date with the King, the Absolute King, of the whole thing.
All will be sorted, and all will be judged,
all that will matter is, is He your King, the Absolute King, of the whole thing.
All will be shook down, and go to the pit,
Downtown will burn down, but not cease to exist,
Burning forever, and never will see the Upside again.

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