It was bound to happen eventually. Like the dawn of creation springing forth and bringing with it unheard of creatures and features, so too has this new “age” brought with it never before heard of creations. This modern age of information, misinformation, minutes long news cycles and an exploding social network have brought forth monstrous new creatures with lives of there own.
Have they got arms and legs or even a mouth? Where do they live? What do they eat? I really haven’t the slightest clue. But evidence of one new species can be found lurking in any of our Inboxes. It’s not a virus or worm but perhaps has the innocence of a new creation.
Like a new Sasquatch I have seen them it’s true!
They leave their little tracks in the snow “FW” You’ve seem them too that I do know. Sometimes in herds more than one at a time FW:fw:Fw with ever more variance spinning out of control. A primitive attempt they always reach out, only by email, never a text and forget a phone call.
So great is their love that the day isn’t done till I’ve received one. Twenty’s the norm and that do I dread, I am just glad they haven’t been read.
Like a new Sasquatch I have seen them it’s true.
Grand communiqués sent and marked HIGH PRIORITY! If I send this now, I will have bags of cash just waiting for me. If I REALLY love Jesus I will do just the same and add my FW: to all of their names.
Like a new Sasquatch I have seen them it’s true.
I have not seen them or heard even a word. Still I get letters, petitions and some really odd pictures, cute little snippets of Hillary or Bill, some are real funny but often a bore. Forwarded to me with nothing to do, just church and a business and grandkids a few.
Like a new Sasquatch I have seen them it’s true.
Fw:FW:Fw so hard to pronounce, no signature made. Fw:FW:Fw must be who they are and those that they seek. Fw: finds FW: and now really fast. Inboxes fill up and I’m really aghast Fw:FW:Fw becomes Fw:FW:Fw:Fw:Fw:Fw:Fw:Fw:Fw… now really fast. As Fw finds Fw and delights in their find and sends it to others they think will not mind.
Like a new Sasquatch I have seen them it’s true.
They must not speak English or even some Yiddish. How do I know? you say with a sneer…
I’ve sent greetings and love and compliments few. But I’ve not received even a word or two new. They send me pictures and print and power point shows, videos, links and some really low blows.
Like a new Sasquatch I have seen them it’s true.
I would love some real words, of the life they do lead. Tell me about Elmo or how Sally is doing. About your new job or weird Uncle Bob. But, how do you speak and what do you say to people whose correspondence goes only one way? Where do they live and what do they do? This really strange people with the short little names.
Like a new Sasquatch I have seen them it’s true.
I hope none are offended, you are really dear, but rather than FW, I hold your words dear.
I hear the little pop that tells me once more, some litlle mail has come to my box. With growing high hopes, I hear my heart say. “Could this be the day I’ll hear from that land far away?” Nevertheless it’s from Fw to Fw:FW:Fw and they just knew I needed this news. Barack is a Muslim or McCain a warmonger.
I have seen Sasquatch I know that it’s true!
I reach for the button my finger still sore, the key dull and faded DELETE I strike once more.
Who are these people that send without words, stuff they were given and then pass it along ?
Like a new Sasquatch I have seen them it’s true!
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