I spent 24 hours count 'em 24 without radio, IPOD, CD's or any electronics.
No cell phone or headphone, no GPS. No people , no appointments, no interactions of any kind. I went to a campground and got a spot away from traffic. I brought a sleeping bag, a pad, a couple of blankets and my bible. I brought three oranges and two apples and some bottled water, some firewood and newspaper(I didn't read it! Really!) to start the fire.
I tried to boil this down to just me and God. No agendas, nothing to accomplish.
Just 24 hours without really anything but me and Him. Not looking for the burning bush or an answer to prayer. But just to wait and see what would be what without a distraction or chore to be done. Here is the chronicle in some silly rhyme. Give me a while to finish it all....
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